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This special Divine Service will focus on the Sixth Freedom, Ascension, given by Mars Sector 6 during his overshadowing of the western master of yoga Dr George King in 1961. This is the sixth of Nine Freedoms which clearly outlines the exact path through evolution which man must take to reach the elevated state of enlightenment, ascension, and beyond into the cosmos.

The Service will include mystic visualisations, mantra and prayer. You will experience the amazing energy, and voice of Mars Sector 6 as he spoke to the world, and hear a unique address by Dr King, explaining the great  wisdom imparted in this freedom.

Dr. King says of this freedom:

“Ascension from this Earth has to be won. It is the culmination of all Spiritual thoughts and actions ever performed throughout the numerous lives of man upon this Earth plane. It is the end result of every experience he has ever undergone throughout his former lives and the essential lessons gained by those experiences, put into definite practice.”

“Freedom from rebirth is brought about by he who is ready, as a result of countless experiences, countless lessons well learned through these experiences. Such a one has manipulated his Karma so that it forms a pattern, which proves that he does not need to learn the basic lessons which can be afforded, by further birth upon Terra.”

Mars Sector 6 – The Nine Freedoms

This Service will include:

  • Mystic mantra, and prayer
  • The playing of an extract from a recording of  the inspiring, and uplifting words by Mars Sector Six from The Nine Freedoms
  • Great insights from Dr George King 

What to expect in this Divine Service

Sunday mornings are a time when our community comes together for a Divine Service. This always includes an address, either given live by a minister in the Temple, or through a recording given by a minister at one of our centres overseas. We also sometimes play recorded addresses by Dr King.

After the service we relax, and socialise over tea, coffee and biscuits.

Anyone is welcome to join these Sunday morning services.

You are most welcome to just turn up on the day.

Our services generally also involve:

  • Mantras and mudras (hand signs) to help us to attune ourselves prior to joining together in prayers
  • Short readings from the teachings of The Aetherius Society

Ministers leading our Services wear religious robes and some members of the congregation have been given initiations, and will therefore also wear robes to reflect these.

When you arrive we will provide you with a prayer booklet so you can join in the prayers if you wish. There is no kneeling and you can participate in the prayers as much or as little as you like.

If you wish to learn the mantras and mudras (hand signs) that are being used to help attune ourselves prior to joining together in prayer, just ask the person who greeted you on your arrival, and they will assist you.

Your Minister for this Service:

Rev. Elizabeth Martin
Rev. Elizabeth Martin

“I have studied the teachings of The Aetherius Society for over 30 years and I’m very interested in the deeper meaning of life and what we can do to make this a better world for all.

I have also been in the Ministry of the Aetherius Churches as a Minister and now a Priest for the last 24 years.”


Friendly atmosphere

Free parking

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No problem, you can join the livestream below, or REPLAY  the livestream recording later.

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