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About the event

Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of things, and pleasures we experience through the senses.

It is an illusion designed to enslave us all. Escaping the matrix is the search for true spiritual freedom: enlightenment.

Join other like-minded souls for a mind-blowing journey of spiritual awakening to discover the path of King Yoga!

       >  Practice pranayama yoga breathing – start to experience inner peace

       >  Awaken your heart chakra – experience spiritual energy for yourself

       >  Manifest your spiritual healing abilities – to help heal yourself and others

       >  Experience a path to spiritual enlightenment that anyone can practice

             – without moving to the Himalayas

       >  Learn how to help raise global consciousness and change the world

       >  Join us at an informal social afterwards

What is the King Yoga Experience?

Practical Wisdom

The King Yoga Experience is for seekers of all backgrounds who wish to explore – and begin to experience for themselves – the life-changing spiritual path of King Yoga. 

King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. 

You don’t just believe in King Yoga – you experience King Yoga. This is not a metaphor – it is literally true. Experience, more than any debate or philosophy, will prove to you that King Yoga works.

All you need is an open mind and a truth-seeking heart.

Mystic Practises

Tune in to one of our King Yoga Experience events held around the world and explore the profound spirituality of Dr. George King, the Cosmic Masters and King Yoga.

  • Simple guided practices to raise your consciousness
  • Discover the wisdom of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters
  • Radiate spiritual energy for global healing


Julian Rosser
Julian Rosser

Originally from New Zealand, Julian is a Director of The Aetherius Society and a Priest now located in Los Angeles. He is a regular blogger and author of ‘One Elephant: a Spiritual Journey to the Cosmos from the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. julianrosser.com.

Lisa Rosser
Lisa Rosser

Lisa is a Minister in The Aetherius Churches. She has had a keen interest in spirituality for over 20 years, particularly in regards to helping others and world healing. Lisa has presented on a variety of metaphysical topics in New Zealand, London and Los Angeles. She has been practicing King Yoga since 2011. Lisa Rosser Blogs


Friendly atmosphere

Free parking

Get your ticket today to secure your place. This is an in-person event only, and will not be available online.

Let in the Light, oh friends, so that it impregnates you. So that it impregnates all those around you. So that its mighty Power impregnates the very Planet. Aye, and to the stars does it go!

– Mars Sector Six from Let In The Light.

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