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These in-person classes can be can be held most days of the week!  

Just email registrations@aetherius.org.nz to secure a place.

We will then be in touch to confirm the time that works for you. $20 per person per class ($15 beneficiaries)

Please note that a confirmed advance booking is required.

Prayer is a science.

Do you look at the tremendous suffering in the world today and wonder what you can do?

This is where prayer and mantra come into their own. We’re not talking about orthodox prayer said without feeling and energy.

The prayer we’re referring to is the dynamic radiation of spiritual powers through yourself to someone, something, or some place in need.

This is the true essence of what it means to be a spiritual person – this is love in action. It is a wonderful way that we all as individuals, but more so together, can make a very real difference in the world.

This Discovery Class will cover:

Practices given:

  •  A mystic visualisation
  • The Prayer Mudra
  • The Sealing Mudra

Prayers given:

  • The New Lord’s Prayer
  • May Your light Shine
  • Prayer for Spiritual Workers

This class will show you what prayer really is and how you can unlock its potential.  It will dispel the myths that exist about prayer and show, through practical exercises, how you can use it to improve your life and the lives of others.


Tanya Solberg
Tanya Solberg

Tanya has been teaching workshops on a range of spiritual self-development subjects for over 20 years.

“I work as a chartered accountant and find that my spiritual side is an excellent balance to a busy work life.”


Friendly atmosphere

Free parking

Discovery Events Money-back Guarantee applies:

  • If you change your mind.
  • If it is cancelled for any reason.
  • Any time prior to the day of the workshop.

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